Real Estate: Everything That Changes On September 1, 2023

  • 9 months ago

The evolution of housing-related measures from September 1, 2023 presents a set of significant changes in the field of home ownership and financial incentives.

It’s important to remember the changes that took place during June, July and August 2023, including the revision of the usury rate, the capped 3.50% rise in the Indice de Référence des Loyers (IRL), the increase in electricity and potentially gas tariffs, the simplification of cancelling an insurance contract in three clicks, and the introduction of a €150 fine for failing to declare property on the tax website.

Changes of the “Prêt Accession Logement

One of the major changes from September 1, 2023 is the modification of the Prêt Accession loan distributed by Action Logement. The interest rate on this loan has been lowered from 1.5% to 1%. This reduction in the interest rate makes the loan even more attractive to aspiring homeowners. However, it is essential to note that the maximum loan amount will be reduced from €40,000 to €30,000. This change has important implications for those planning to use this loan to finance their own home.

It should also be remembered that to be eligible for this Accession Loan, certain conditions must be met. Firstly, applicants must be employed by a non-agricultural private-sector company with at least 10 employees. In addition, income ceilings vary according to the applicant’s family situation and geographical area. These criteria ensure that the loan is accessible to households that need it most.

The Action Logement Accession Loan can be granted for a variety of housing-related purposes. It is important to note that this loan can be used for the construction or acquisition of a home, whether or not it requires work. Possible uses for the Prêt Accession include :

■ The acquisition or construction of a new home, including the purchase of the land on which the property is to be built. However, the home must meet specific energy performance standards, in line with current thermal regulations. This provision is designed to encourage environmentally-friendly construction projects.

■ The acquisition of an older home sold by a social housing organization as part of the HLM sale. However, this option is only available when the home’s Energy Performance Diagnostic (DPE) is classified in categories A to E. This measure encourages the purchase of older homes that meet high energy standards.

■ Social home ownership in new-build properties, notably through the Prêt Social Location Accession (PSLA). This option aims to provide financial support to low-income households in their home ownership projects, particularly in the new housing sector.

■ Acquiring a property under a “bail réel solidaire”, whether new or existing. This type of acquisition offers an interesting alternative, enabling households to buy a home at a reduced cost, while guaranteeing lasting access to housing.

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