VEFA TMA (purchasers’ modification work) requests: Examples and Functioning

  • 1 year ago

When you buy a new property off-plan, you can ask to modify your home before construction begins: this is known as “travaux modificatifs acquéreurs” (TMA) in VEFA. What are they for? What modifications are possible in a VEFA purchase? And how do you apply for a TMA? Find out here.

How do TMAs work?

TMA enable (future) homeowners to customize their new homes to suit their own needs and desires. They can be requested from the developer, provided they are requested early enough to be taken into account.

In most cases, developers allow up to 40 days from the signing of the reservation contract for TMA requests. And they must be validated when the deed of sale is signed, i.e. before work begins. So it’s important to anticipate them.

Of course, TMAs have a cost, which is added to the price of the property. Developers generally offer pre-defined price schedules for the most frequently encountered TMAs. For more specific requests, a costing and feasibility study must be carried out before the developer can provide a quotation.

Some examples of TMAs

A wide range of work is possible to modify the interior of a home, or to make it more accessible for PRMs. Here are some concrete examples of TMA:

  • Partitions: modifying, removing, moving or adding a partition (removable or not)…
  • Electricity: addition or relocation of an electrical socket, switch or light, motorization of a shutter, relocation of a connection for an oven or cooker hood…
  • Plumbing: replacing a bathtub with a shower tray, installing a second washbasin, creating a new water inlet for a washing machine…
  • Joinery and fittings: removal or creation of a cupboard, reversal of door opening direction, relocation of a connecting door.
  • Additional service: choice of a higher-quality covering, replacement of a top-of-the-range item of equipment (towel dryer, sink, door handle, etc.).

However, not all VEFA TMAs are possible: they must remain regulatory and feasible. This means, for example, that they must not restrict access for disabled people or delay construction. Nor can they impact on the structure of the building, or encroach on common areas or another dwelling. For example, it is not possible to add an opening to the outside, or to reduce the floor area of the WC too much.

In short, TMA requests are entirely possible, but they must be well thought out and formulated to ensure successful implementation.

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